PART 1 The Economy: Working to Live-Living to Work"Homeless" from Rachel and Her Children看不懂的字:
1.inventory deta processing
2.clock the floors
1.transient (adj.)一時的、瞬間的;(旅館住客、旅行者)逗留短暫的 (n.)短期住客
a transient population 流動人口Their happiness was to be sadly transient. 他們的幸福可惜是短暫的2.shelter (n.)避難所;避難(U) (V.)保護、庇護
shelter an escaped prisoner 窩藏罪犯
You can't shelter the children from the real life forever. 你不能永遠保護孩子們使他們免受現實生活的(嚴峻)考驗
3.medicaid (為低收入者、殘障者所設的)國民醫療補助
4.authority (N.)權威;權限;官方(常用複數);公共事業機關;泰斗、大師
with authority 憑威信、威嚴地
the proper authorities = the authorities concerned 有關當局He has no authority to settle the question. 他無權解決這個問題
He is an authority on Shakespeare. 他是莎士比亞的權威
5.transportation 運輸;(犯人)放逐
transportation for life 終身放逐6.Vietnam War 越戰
7.veteran (n.)老練者、老手、(尤指)老兵;退役軍人;已使用很久的舊東西 (adj)老練的;長久使用而變舊的
a veteran car 老爺車
a veteran politician 資深的政治家
8.illiterate 不識字的;缺乏教育的 (N)文盲
You must be illiterate if you've never heard of Marx. 要是你連馬克思這個人都從未聽說過,那麼你一定是沒有受過教育的了
9.underneath 在…之下;在下面、在底面
He appears pompous but he is a good man underneath. 他表面看來傲慢,但骨子裡是個好人
10.undergo 接受;經歷;遭遇
undergo an operation 接受手術
11.stroke (N.)一擊;<中風等>發作;擊球動作;游法 (V.)(N)撫摸
a graceful stroke with the bat 用拍擊球的一個優美動作
Your idea was a stroke of genius! 你的主意真了不起!
My speech went quite well until I was put off my stroke by the interruption. 我起初講得很順利, 可是受到干擾後就結巴起來了
give her hair an affectionate stroke 深情地撫摸她的頭髮
12.simultaneious 同時的
simultaneious interpretation 同步翻譯The explosion was timed to be simultaneous with the plane's take-off. 把爆炸的時間定在正是飛機起飛的時刻.
13.emergency (N)非常時期;緊急、危急 (adj.)緊急的
in an emergency 在緊急情況下 an emergency call 緊急召喚 the emergency exit 緊急出口 he emergency ward 急診病室emergent (adj)出現的、突現的;突發的、緊急的(urgent)an emergent nation 新興國家
14.sustain (V.)支持;承受;維持;(在法律上)認可;證實
His theory has been sustained by the facts. 他的理論已為事實所證明
Objection sustained! 反對有效!
15.overqualified 資格超過標準的
qualified 有資格的;有限度的a qualified doctor 合格的醫生The operation was a qualified sussess. 這次手術並非完美無缺(有限度的成功)
16.Catholic 天主教的
17.infest (通常用於被動語態)大批孳生出沒、遍布、侵擾
a warehouse infested by rats 有大批老鼠出沒的倉庫
18.filth (U)污穢;猥褻的話、齷齪的想法;道德敗壞
How can you read such filth? 你怎麼能看這種烏七八糟的東西?
Look at the filth on your trousers! 看你褲子上的髒東西!
延伸單字:trousers 褲子
trousers 男人穿的褲子
pants 美語中用作 trousers
slacks 不和上衣成套的寬鬆褲子,泛指男女的褲子
wear the trousers(口語)<女人>當家 《美》一般用wear the pants
19.innocent 無罪的;無邪的;無害的;天真無邪的人
the (Holy) Innocents' Day
無辜嬰兒殉教者紀念日(十二月二十八日; 希律王 (Herod) 下令屠殺幼兒的紀念日; 出自聖經“馬太福音”)
It was a perfectly innocent question. Why get so worked up about it? 那純粹是無所謂的問題. 何必那麼激動?
20.run-down 破損的;疲憊的;(N.)<工業、 公司等的>緊縮;詳細的分析或描述
21.conjunction 連接詞;連結;
in conjunction with 與…關聯 [連接] 著;與…聯合We are working in conjunction with the police. 我們與警方配合進行工作
22.glove 手套;戴手套
fit (a person) like a glove(對某人) 非常合適、貼[合]身 handle [treat] ...with kid gloves 溫和地對待 [慎重應付] … take off the gloves 認真作戰、認真起來、毫不留情 (地打擊) 23.metal detector 金屬探測器
24.swollen 膨脹的;自大的;腫大的;充滿感情的 (swell的過去分詞)
one's swollen heart 無限感慨的心 He is swollen with his own importance. 他自以為了不起而得意忘形
25.worn 用舊了的;疲憊不堪的
She came back worn and worried. 她回來時又疲乏又憂慮.
26.curl (V.)扭曲、卷曲;打扁 (N)鬈髮;卷狀物
curl one's lip(s) (表示輕蔑地) 撇嘴,翹起上唇
curl up 使某人感到非常難堪
a curl of smoke rising from a cigarette 從香煙上面繚繞升起的一縷煙
My father's bad jokes always make me curl up. 父親那些要不得的玩笑總是讓我很難為情
27.claw (N.)爪;拔釘爪 (V.)用爪子~
in a person's claws被某人抓住,落入某人的手中 cut the claws of (口語)除去<人等>的危害力; 使…無危害力 claw a parcel open 用指甲把包裹撕開 (有時用以表示興奮、驚喜地打開包裹)28.extract (V.)拔出、取出;獲得(情報、金錢、資訊...);摘錄、引用 (N)萃取物;摘錄
have a tooth extracted 拔牙 extract a secret from a person 從某人處探出秘密The police finally extracted the information after hours of questioning. 警方經數小時盤問, 終於套得這一情報
29.delicatessen (C)熟食店 (U)熟食、現成食品(可隨時端到餐桌上的已烹調過的肉、幹酪、沙拉、罐頭等調製品)
30.napkin 桌巾
31.pariah 賤民;為社會所摒棄者
be treated as a pariah 被待作賤民
32.cut off 切斷(水、電)、中斷;切下來;孤立;剝奪繼承權
Their water supply was cut off.他們的水源被切斷了
The chairman will cut a speaker off if he talks too long.如果發言人講得太長,主席會打斷他的發言。
They cut off the heads of their captives.他們把俘虜的頭砍了下來
He has cut his son off without a penny.他取消了兒子的繼承權,一便士也不給
33.fall apart 破裂;崩潰;關係破裂
Their marriage finally fell apart. 他們的婚姻終於破裂了.
34.reunite 使…再結合、使…重聚 (常用於被動式);再團聚
Parents were reunited with their lost children. 父母與失散的孩子們團圓了
35.deprivation (U)剝奪;喪失;貧窮
sleep deprivation 失眠
36.debilitated 疲憊不堪的;操勞過度的
debilitated 使<人>衰弱、使<健康>衰退
Huge debts are debilitating their economy. 沉重的債務大大削弱了他們的經濟.
37.exaggerate (V.)誇張、過於強調
It is impossible to exaggerate the fact. 無論怎樣強調這事實,也不嫌過份He always exaggerates to make his stories more amusing. 他總愛添枝加葉, 把故事講得更有趣.
38.ordinary 普通的;平常的;平凡的
out of the ordinary 例外的;特殊的in ordinary 常任的Her new house is certainly out of the ordinary. 她的新居真是不同凡響
39.tremble (V)發抖、顫抖;擔心 (N)發抖、打顫
She trembled for the safety of her children. 她為了孩子們的安全而 (很) 擔心
40.asthma 氣喘
41.scramble (V.)攀登;爭奪;將...攪亂;(匆忙)湊和;緊急起飛 (N.)攀登;爭奪戰;湊合;緊急起飛
scramble egge炒蛋
scramble up some deta
There was a scramble for the best seats. 大家都在搶最好的座位.
42.edema 水腫
43.starve 餓死;渴望(for)
They are starving for affection [news, knowledge]. 他們渴望情愛 [消息,知識]
44.premonition (可能會發生凶事的)預感
a premonition of disaster 大禍臨頭的預感45.urine 尿
46.cot 折疊床;(羊、鴿子等的)小屋;陋屋;指套
47.sheet 床單; (規定大小的紙張等的) 一張;印刷物;一大片(水、雪、冰、火等);薄板狀的;(V.)鋪床單;全面覆蓋;傾盆地下
in sheets <雨勢> 滂沱地、<霧> 一片茫茫地;未裝訂成書的a fly sheet 傳單48.comprehension 理解
49.landlord 房東