1.slut 放蕩的女人
2.steamy 熱氣瀰漫的;性慾的
a steamy jungle 霧氣瀰漫的叢林
Dr. McSteamy
steamy love scenes狂放的性愛場面 (# ̄▽ ̄#) 羞
3.brilliant 才華洋溢的
The play was a brilliant success.
4.surgical 外科醫生的
surgon 外科醫生
surgery 外科、手術室
operation 手術
resident 住院醫生
5.trauma 外傷、心理打擊。
wound (刀劍槍砲造成的)傷口、(對名譽、情感的)創傷。
injury 傷害、損傷。受傷(的情況)
He backed out of the game because of the injury. 他因傷退出比賽
6.witty 機靈的、詼諧的
witty comments 詼諧的評論
wit(N.) wittily(adv.)
7.narrate 敘述;講(故事);說明
The captain narrated his adventures. 船長講他的冒險故事
8.field 田園、曠野、競賽場所
Meredith:[narrating] I love the playing field.
9.crap 胡說;屎
You do talk a load of crap.
(a load of 大量)
CRISTINA: "You should get some sleep, you look like crap."
a.喜愛的 fond of
He is fond of going out in the evening for pleasure.他有外出夜遊的惡習
Absence makes the heart grow fonder.小別勝新婚
a fond mother 寵愛孩子的母親
fond hopes of success 對於成功的美夢
DEREK: "What? You sleeping with me last night? Or you throwing me out this morning? 'Cause both are fond memories I'd like to hang on to."
11.vulnerable 易受攻擊的、敏感的
He is vulnerable to temptation. 他是容易受到誘惑的
DEREK: "I was drunk vulnerable and good looking and you took advantage."
12.scalpel 手術刀
PRESTON: "The only person that can keep a promise that big is God, and I haven't seen him holding a scalpel lately."
13.scrub (用硬刷子等) 刷洗、候補選手
scrub out 取消、終止(計畫)
scrub up (施行手術前)擦洗手和胳膊
MEREDITH: "Did you let me scrub in for this operation because I slept with you?"
DEREK: "Yes. Just kidding."
14.shark 鯊魚、騙子、技藝高超的人
15.absolution 赦免(N.)
absolve 赦免(V.)
The court absolved the accused man. 法官判決被告無罪
absolutely 絕對地
16.pregnancy 懷孕(N.)
pregnant 懷孕的、意義深長的、富於創意的
a pregnant silence 意義深長的沉默
a pregnant mind 想像力豐富的腦子
17.humiliating 屈辱的、丟人的、不體面的
18.leave off 停止、不再穿、不再使用
MEREDITH: "... Humiliating. On so many levels. You have to go."
DEREK: "Why don’t you just come back down here and we’ll pick up where we left off?"
19.suck up 巴結
20.sprint 短跑
GEORGE: "A shift is a marathon, not a sprint. Eat."
A Hard Day's Night
Release Date: 2005-03-27

The series opens with Meredith removing a sofa pillow from the bare bottom of a man named Derek. The evening before, these two had downed a few drinks and ended up sleeping together at Meredith's mother's house, which she's trying to sell - a fact she spits out to Derek before politely asking him to leave so she can get ready for her first day at work.
Arriving as a surgical intern at Seattle Grace Hospital, Meredith is assigned to the "nazi," Dr. Miranda Bailey, as her resident. Joining our pretty protagonist in this assignment are Cristina Yang, Izzie Stevens and George O'Malley. Meredith's first case is a beauty pageant contestant suffering from seizures. When a surgical consult is called down, guess who the attending physician is? Derek. Or, to be more precise, Dr. Derek Sheppard. He wishes to talk to Meredith, but she's determined that it was a one-night stand to be forgotten about entirely.
As the first day wears on, Cristina and Meredith bond. Izzie is stuck with rectal exams because she gets on Bailey's wrong side , while George is chosen by Dr. Preston Burke to assist on a surgey. He doesn't perform very well, however, as the patient dies and another arrogant intern, Alex Karev, dubs George as "007" because he has a license to kill.
Meanwhile, Meredith comes across the Chief of Surgery, Dr. Richard Webber. He used to work with her mother, the famous Ellis Grey. The other interns are impressed by the status of Meredith's mother - and afraid that the younger Grey been riding the medical coat tails her well-known matriarch. When the hour ends, however, we see Meredith's visiting a nursing home ... to spend time with her mother, who has Alzheimer's Disease.