
Derek: Meredith...I do love you. Don't you see? Don't you understand? You're the love of my life. I can't leave you. But you're constantly leaving me. You walk away when you want, you come back when you want. Not everyone, not your friends, but you leave me. So I'm asking you...if you don't see a future for us, if you aren't in this...please...please just end it, because I can't. I'm in it. Put me out of my misery.

Derek: 我真的愛妳. 妳還不明白?妳不瞭解嗎?妳是我生命中的最愛,我無法離開妳。但妳卻經常離開我,妳隨心所欲丟下我,妳不會對其他人或朋友這樣,但妳卻對我這樣。所以我現 在問妳,如果妳認為我們沒有未來,如果妳不投入,請結束吧!因為我做不到,我很投入!讓我脫離痛苦。