It's raining cats and dogs again in Singapore, and tonight is one of those nights where you would huddle at home, watch your favourite tv shows or curl up with a good magazine with some ribena and beef pastrami! Or pistachios! Or instant noodles! Whatever, you know what i mean.
Some friends have remarked on the changes in me and the way i look these days. It's one of those things that you know and you don't.
You know you have changed, somewhat. It is in the choices you make, it's in the way you wear your hair, the way lipsticks suddenly seem like a beautiful idea... you don't know if you had changed that much though. You are still very much stuck to your neurotic moody self which had already been paraded and worn proudly on your sleeves for years. And you are sure it is still alive and kicking you in the butt more often than you would care to share with the whole world.
So when I had another choice to be something else, I hopped happily unto it. It was like a breath from the oxygen tank in the backstage.
Being another girl who knows you from somewhere, from some other time, being a protagonist in another flight of fantasy actually gives me room to breathe. I don't need to be myself for that moment, I don't need to ponder on how bizarrely unnatural it is to have to constantly put your unpolluted self out there for the world to see, crossing my fingers that they would like what I had to offer.
Being another girl means a different story, sometimes, a different kind of courage, but almost always, the same questions. And I know, we all have the same kind of questions that we ask ourselves over and over and over and over again.
And the answer?
Tonight is a cool and breezy night, so different from the last week when the air was so thick it was almost hard to breathe. I am having an ice cold ribena and have decided to skip the expired cookies. :)
今晚是個涼爽又有微風輕拂的夜晚,跟上週沈重得幾乎難以呼吸的空氣,是那麼地不同。我手上握著一杯冰涼的Rebina,決定不去碰過期的餅乾。 :)

戀情甜蜜 事業沒停擺
超現實立體投影舞台 超火
去年主辦郭富城「舞林正傳」演唱會的銀魚音樂,大手筆製作創造口碑,孫燕姿演唱會服裝造型、舞台設計、視覺創意,都是跟郭富城同一製作班底。主辦人邱王黎 寬表示,「成本最少破億,一定是大製作。」演唱會上有項突破性的舞台技術「超現實立體投影」,邱王黎寬聲稱考慮申請金氏紀錄。
露背洋裝反穿 女人味十足