Grey's Anatomy S519 Elevator Love Letter
Meredith告訴他:"You have a gift and you can do this."
最後,Derek選擇在電梯裡,貼滿了病人的CT,從兩人共同參與的第一個病人、終於臨床實驗成功病人的CT,到Izzie的CT...這些CT scans就像大事記一樣,記錄著他們一路走來的點點滴滴,也讓他們重新回顧這段關係,超浪漫!!!!

Derek said:
You got me into the OR.
You put the rest of us to work because you've seen worse.You know we'll survive.
You say you're dark and twisty, but that's not a weakness, it's a strength. It makes you who you are.
I love you Meredith Grey, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.
而Meredith也很乾脆地回應他:And I want to spend the rest of my life with you.
Trauma messes everybody up, but maybe that is the point.
All the pain and fear and crap.
Maybe going through all that is what keeps us moving foward, it is what pushes us.
Maybe we have to get a little mess up, before we can step up.